MonteCrypto Goes Live Today!

2018-02-20 21:32:01
by Saffron Weale
MonteCrypto Goes Live Today!

The gaming world will be on edge today, February 20th, as a mysterious new game goes live at 1600 GMT. Winners stand a chance to get the prize of one bitcoin – doesn\'t sound like much, you think, until you realise that one bitcoin is currently worth US$11,490.40. Two months ago, you might have stood to win $20,000, but the value of BTC is already rising just on the promise of this new venture.


MonteCrypto: The Bitcoin Enigma is published on Steam by Gem Rose Accent. It\'s a kind of virtual exit game, with 24 puzzles to be solved before the competitor can find the way out, and the substantial prize will ensure fierce competition. This will only be enhanced by the promised complications: \"Leave hints along the way or slow others down by leading them to dead-ends, the choice is yours.\"


Some suggest that the game itself is posing an ethical question: should game enthusiasts follow the spirit of the cryptocurrency movement and work together as a team, thus having to share the potential dividends? Or should gamers shoot for the worldwide industry recognition and kudos (not to mention the 1BTC) that will go to an individual winner? The choice is yours...

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