CVcoin Looks Bullish in a Wood Full of Bears

2018-02-06 17:35:32
by Saffron Weale
CVcoin Looks Bullish in a Wood Full of Bears\r\n\r\n

The cryptocurrency market plunge is affecting all the leading digital assets, but some of the lesser-known coins are making headway. CVcoin, ranked #300 in the world by market capitalisation at he time of writing, gained almost 70% in the past 24 hours, standing on February 6th at a healthy $1.72.


CVcoin announced the Beta version of their Crypviser Wallet on January 31st, and the value of their stock has risen consistently since then. A strong presence at the Investor Day for Cryptocurrencies on February 2nd in Berlin further showcased the new product, and people began demonstrating increased interest in the CVCOIN cryptocurrency.


CVcoin is the native token of the Crypviser Network, a secure platform for encrypted instant messaging and communication networks. The token\'s main purpose is to cover the charges of blockchain-based authentication transactions, so as to identify and authorise users\' public encryption keys. The authentication of public keys is the most important part of every cryptography process, ensuring that keys are correctly linked to their rightful owner.


Using the blockchain distributed ledger technology, this encryption key ID process ensures maximum security throughout the Crypviser Network. With its Crypviser Wallet App, the blockchain ecosystem aims to prevent centralised manipulation, interception, surveillance and MITM (Man in the Middle) attacks on communication networks.

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