Web Developer Creates a Tool to Stop Fraudulent Crypto Twitter Accounts

2018-02-10 18:37:22
by Saffron Weale
Web Developer Creates a Tool to Stop Fraudulent Crypto Twitter Accounts

As investors and traders from the cryptocurrency community continue to seek new ways to combat fraud and criminal activity, web developer Harry Denley has designed a tool which will help people to identify scam crypto Twitter accounts.


Using JavaScript, EtherSecurityLookup, works as an extension on Google Chrome and runs as a browser. The extension will track and highlight Twitter accounts which attempt to impersonate official crypto companies or high profile users. The software is related to another invention of Denley\'s, which aims to prevent users from revealing the passwords associated with their crypto wallets by creating a list of approved domain names and checking websites against blacklisted sites which have been identified as fraudulent.


Unfortunately, as interest grows in the digital currency market, so does malicious behaviour. Twitter accounts are commonly used to mimic big companies in order to head fraudulent projects. The imposters will often advertise a digital currency and offer to trade a large number of tokens in return for a small investment of cryptocurrency. In other reported cases, scammers have created a false organisation, raised funds for an ICO and then disappeared.


Denley explained that the motivation for his development was when Vitalik Buterin, the creator of the digital currency Ethereum, objected to being impersonated online.

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