The Mystery of 'The Legend of Satoshi Nakamoto' has Finally Been Cracked

2018-02-09 20:47:49
by Saffron Weale
The Mystery of 'The Legend of Satoshi Nakamoto' has Finally Been Cracked

A Bitcoin puzzle hidden in a painting, titled "The Legend of Satoshi Nakamoto", has finally been solved. The puzzle was released in 2015 and has since drawn in several curious crypto enthusiasts looking to crack its fiercely-guarded code. Despite the painting being in place for many years, no one had successfully managed to solve the puzzle's mystery – until now.

The painting, inspired by the stylistic charm of a board game, was made by "@coin_artist", and fellow cryptocurrency enthusiast Rob Myers. Within the painting, the duo planted a series of clues that breadcrumbed the way to a bitcoin wallet. Despite several attempts by many in the crypto field, none were yet successful in unravelling the mystery of the painting.

That changed a month ago, when a programmer using the pseudonym Isaac claimed the prize. Isaac discovered that within the painting the phrase "B34u7y, truth, and rarity" could be found by the observer. The phrase had been taken from a poem named The Phoenix and the Turtle by Shakespeare.

@coin_artist gave her reasons for including the line within the painting, explaining how the painting was created during a difficult time in her life, and at a moment in time when the bear market was incredibly tough. She stated the painting was "a prayer that things would get better". The final prize amounts to over $50,000.

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