Porn Sites are Responsible for Cryptojacking Attacks, says a Chinese Security Firm

2018-02-10 19:06:09
by Saffron Weale
Porn Sites are Responsible for Cryptojacking Attacks, says a Chinese Security Firm

Reports from Chinese security firm 360 Netlab suggest that porn sites are responsible for the majority of cryptojacking attacks. They made the revelation using a tool called DNSMon, which recorded relationships between domain names. Results showed that over 240 of the top 100,000 online sites contained evidence of cryptojacking attacks, and 49% of these were porn sites.


Experts have also warned users that cybercriminals are now practicing unusual methods in order to get people to mine crypto. Cryptojacking is when online criminals hack a computer to mine digital currency. This results in computing power being eaten up, and cyber security experts are increasingly interested in the process.


Online portals that don\'t charge for their services often collect data instead. Increasingly, websites are now utilising third party computers to create digital assets. Many video streaming sites have been caught doing this, and an Argentinian Starbucks Café was also working in a similar way. The mining of Bitcoin requires powerful hardware, yet the lesser-known digital assets can often be mined by anyone owning a computer.


Experts have since urged websites to inform their users if they are being cryptojacked. Internet users are also being advised to download software tools which function with an ad-blocker to avoid being a victim of cryptojacking.

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