Zloadr Interviews Napoleonx CEO about Algorithmic Asset Manager ICO

2017-12-21 01:04:58
by Dominic Brown
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  Late Last week we at Zloadr sat down Stéphane Ifrah who is the CEO of Napoleonx to discuss about Algorithmic Asset Manager ICO that his team are giving to the market early in January 2018.


Why choose an ICO as your method of funding?


\"This is an innovative way of financing a project and we view our business model of an asset manager operating using blockchain technology and offering investment products for people holding cryptos as a completely natural fit for this brand new market.\"

How much do you want to raise? and why?


\"We want to raise around 10 million EUR in order to set up the fully licensed and regulated crypto asset manager company. Once done, we would launch a series of investment vehicles (DAFs) through dedicated ICOs.\"

How will you offer your token?


\"Voucher, direct token distribution, or convertible note?
It will be a direct token sale.\"

What are the benefits of this token-based funding mechanism?


\"First it enables us to build a first community around our concept before the launch of the series of DAFs. Second, we avoid the traditional investment world that is not ready yet for such disruption. Third, the process is innovating and we want this to be associated with our brand.\"

What is the purpose of the token?


\"The token will give 2 rights (1) getting the trading signals from the trading bots used in the DAFs (2) the capacity to claim 85% of the performance fees that will be paid by the DAFs to use the trading bots.\"

How did you prepare for the legal and regulatory challenges?


\"We hire several law firms both in France and in Switzerland. We also engaged with our regulator in order to get their approval on our ICO. As a future regulated entity, it was vital that we got their greenlight first.\"

What is your plan for ensuring that the founders remain engaged and accountable while the
company is being built?


\"This is our only project and we have spent most of our career in asset management. We are just building the asset manager of the future and cannot be more motivated by this project.\"

What does your cryptocurrency do that others can’t?


\"We are offering a clear remuneration scheme (85% of performance fees) for our token holders. No bullshit with vague promises.\"

How will your cryptocurrency impact the current ecosystem?


\"There are no regulated asset manager at the moment and we want to be the first mover. We truly believe that managing third party money needs to be a regulated activity, and make no mistake it will happen sooner or later even for pure crypto funds. This is a way to reconcile traditional investment world with brand new crypto universe\"

How small can a transaction be in your cryptocurrency? What is the fee system?


\"1 NPX token = 0.001 ETH\"

When will you have an official release?


\"We have a beta version of our platform that is available. Our platform will be launched within 2 month after the ICO closes.\"

Why should someone invest in your cryptocurrency?


\"It will be a way to build the future Blackrock of the crypto universe. You need to be early.\"

What exchange is will you list on? Why did you choose them?


\"We have not finished our negotiations but want to be listed on at least 2 exchanges to offer some liquidity on our token. However, until the ICO process is well underway, getting access to Exchanges is challenging.\"

How would you describe your token\'s governance model?


\"Our token is essentially an asset token.\"

What was your motivating factor to begin creating with your token?


\"Our motivation was to get the ability to fund our project that runs on Blockchain and is addressing pain points for crypto investors who are looking for a crypto return.\"



The ICO will start on January 10, 2018 have a look and decided for yourself.

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