Katy Perry Talks Bitcoin with Billionaire Warren Buffett

2017-12-06 04:07:37
by Saffron Weale
Katie Perry talks bitcoin

Katy Perry talks bitcoin with Billionaire Warren Buffett, and 175 million people are watching.

As one of the world’s wealthiest men and a well-known value investor, Buffett has criticised the digital currency market on many occasions, in particular, bitcoin. As early as 2014, the ‘Oracle of Omaha,’ was reported as stating that people should ‘stay away from it,’ insisting that it was a mirage and ‘just a joke’.

Miss Perry posted a non-cryptic photo proving her encounter with the self-made billionaire, talks of bitcoin and the digital currency market shadowed the conversation. Could this indicate that it’s further cementing its invasion into the mainstream?

With nearly 68 million on Instagram and an encouraging 110 million Twitter followers. Perry may be starting up a new wave of millions of potential investors who are keen to follow the lives of celebrities.

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