Are Banks Afraid of Cryptocurrencies? 2018 May be the Beginning of the End!

2017-12-18 23:18:40
by Dominic Brown
Are Banks Afraid of Cryptocurrencies? 2018 May be the Beginning of the End!
   Change is always the biggest threat to the establishment, and right now the world is reverberating with change of all kinds. Technology is outpacing the institutions established by the old school, but it must be faced at some point; the old school has passed away, and now the internet has changed our world irrevocably.\r\nBanks and old school financial institutions are reacting badly to the new world of internet trading. Many banks have not only expressed scepticism about blockchain start-ups and cryptocurrencies, but have actively started to prevent customer transactions, on the spurious basis that they may be unsafe or criminal. Perhaps it\'s more basic than that, though. Banks are afraid of losing their stranglehold on world finance and are reacting with knee-jerk rejection reflex, based on the premise that everything one doesn’t understand must be bad. Some banks are refusing to allow cryptocurrency transactions, and even closing accounts.\r\nWhile financial regulations are not yet in place for digital currency trading, the banks\' reaction is not going to endear them to millennials who are trying to embrace the new world. 2018 may well see the beginning of the end for some existing financial monopolies.
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