A Year of Growth Ahead for Blockchain Tech

2018-01-28 19:59:21
by Saffron Weale
A Year of Growth Ahead for Blockchain Tech

In 2017, we saw the rapid expansion and adoption by businesses of blockchain technologies; in 2018 this trend is set to continue.


Last year, blockchain began to move from its conception phase into its production and adoption phase. We witnessed a number of successful implementations of blockchain technologies, as well as increasing interest from various industries – especially the financial industries – as they seek to establish ways of capitalising on the technology.


Notable market leaders, such as Ripple, became fully operational last year. Ripple made use of blockchain to form numerous commercial networks amongst its members, exchanging billions of dollars\' worth of business transactions.


So, what are some of the predictions being made about blockchain and its potential uses in 2018?


Blockchain solutions will continue to proliferate, especially in areas where their application is obvious, such as smart contracts and invoice factoring. The popularity, use, and diversity of cryptocurrencies will continue to grow, with the concurrent result that larger coins, e.g. bitcoin, will see a fall in value.


Businesses will begin to adopt blockchain technologies as they seek to increase security and boost transparency. New networks will start to appear as smart contract technologies proliferate, leading to micro ecosystems that function on a global scale.


It\'s certainly going to be an exciting year for blockchain tech.



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